Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Investing in your child….

July 17th, 2010

There is so much in the news everyday about  the direction the stock market is taking and how important it is that we invest wisely.   But there is another type of investment that is just as important to you and your children’s future that  doesn’t involve money at all.  This investment only requires time, dedication and commitment.  When you […]

Being shown respect by everyone we come in contact is very important to each of us.   For a child being treated with respect shows that they are valued and teaches them how important it is to treat others with that same respect.   Treating a child with respect will make a lasting impression that will stay with him/her for […]

Some children are born with an air of confidence and seem to exude it with each new experience.  Some need to be encouraged, as they try new endeavors, to have confidence in themselves.   But all children need the reinforcement of their parents that they are supported whether the accomplishment is large or small.   Recognition for […]

Every age of a child’s life is wonderful.  With each new day, watching them as they grow, is like observing a miracle happen right before your eyes.  Their inquisitiveness about everything they see, the non-stop questions, the absolute delight in the simplest new experience, are joys to behold.  Treasure each moment with the child in your life today and everyday.

As we celebrate America’s birthday with family, friends and  fireworks  let’s also remember the men and women who are fighting the war so that we can live peacefully  in America.    The sacrifices that they make daily on our behalf allows each of us to live in this country in freedom.  Thanks to all the service men and women everywhere who protect the USA.

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