Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Remember how simple things used to be? Back when building sandcastles and playing hide-and-go-seek was the highlight of the day.

Children find joy in the simplest things and are always happy. If there is one thing we shouldn’t grow out of, it’s enjoying and appreciating simplicity.

Here are 5 easy ways to find joy in the little things:

1. Wake up and smell the coffee!
Take a moment to relax while you’re brewing your morning coffee, and wake up your senses while you enjoy your morning coffee or watch the sunrise to start your day off right.

2. Share something…

Whether it’s a smile or some fries, share something of yours with a friend. After all, sharing is caring!

3. Do a small act of kindness…

Give happiness to someone. Buy a random stranger their coffee, help someone with their groceries, or surprise your child with their favorite candy. Brightening someone else’s day will surely brighten yours.

4. LOL!

As Charlie Chaplin once said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

5. End your day with the perfect sunset.
Appreciate the colors of the sunset and take a moment to reflect on everything you accomplished during the day. Enjoy the beauty and stillness of yet another day coming to an end, and excite yourself for what the future will hold tomorrow.

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