Traditions are part of the fabirc of our lives, the thread that weaves throughout from generation to generation. They can be anything that carries with it the remembrance of generations past – stories, recipes, objects, quilts, religious symbals – and continues to be carried on for future generations to come. It is how we honor past generations by keeping their struggles and successes alive in our minds and hearts. Recreating a favorite recipe that a parent, grandparent, or great grandparent used to make keeps a tradtion followed. If you don’t have a family tradition start one with todays generation. Decide together what would make a good family tradition – which recipe is everyones favorite? What handmade piece of furniture has an amazing story attached? Is there someone who has overcome a great challenge? – anything that makes you feel proud is a good tradition to pass on to future generations. Traditions are part of the fabric of our life – keep them weaving for future generations to come. For more info