Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

My first thought upon hearing that an adopted child was returned to Russia was that the adoptive mother must be alone and suffering from a terminal illness. After hearing the report on the news that the child was returned carrying a note in his backpack with an unconfirmed statement about his emotional stability, made me sad and angry all at the same time. I was sad that the child was put through this horrifying experience and angry that someone wasn’t aware of the situation who might have been able to offer a more suitable solution. The damage has been done. It was difficult enough for him to leave his homeland at such a young age and come to a country where he did not speak the language or know anyone but, to be returned and labeled “unfit” will stay with him for the rest of his life. Maybe now he will find a family who will appreciate, respect and love him and in time the pain of rejection will disappear. My hope for his future is one far better than he would have ever had with an adoptive mother who probably would have made other unsatisfactory decisions on his behalf. I think that he is ultimately better off now.

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