Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Tip #10 — Play hard

August 15th, 2009

Appreciate the value of play: it is a child’s work. Play is critical to all aspects of a child’s development, but is often overlooked as a valuable tool. Play can prevent discipline problems, offers a natural way for children to learn, and forms a positive relationship between parent and child.

My question to you is: What was your favorite playground piece growing up – swing, slide or seesaw?

Today’s Love Your Child Month tip is about giving your children appropriate ways to feel valued. If you don’t, they will seek attention in all of the wrong places. Ways to help them feel valuable are to ask their advice, give them choices, let them help you balance your check book, cook all or part of a meal, or help you shop. A two-year-old can wash plastic dishes, wash vegetables, or put silverware away. Often we do the job for them because we can do it with less hassle, but by encouraging them to take an active role in your family unit, they understand their own value.

What’s one household activity you can share with your child today to make them feel important?

Boogie the Monsters Away

August 12th, 2009

Children feel loved when they feel safe. Make your child feel safe today. Comfort them when they’re scared. Show them you’ve taken steps to protect them. When you tuck them into bed at night, make the rounds under the bed, in the closet and behind the dressers to let them know that the Boogie monster doesn’t stand a chance against Mom and Dad.

What kinds of monsters were you afraid of when you were a child?

Every day is worth celebrating. Why wait until Christmas or Easter to have a holiday? Make up your own! It can be a weekly celebration (ice cream sundaes on Sundays) or something silly and routine (trips to the zoo to kick off the first day of every month). Whatever it is, you get to celebrate with your child “just because.”

Sound off on what new holiday you plan to celebrate with your child in the comment box — get creative!

Work hard, play hard

August 10th, 2009

Tip #6: When your child gets everything done with time to spare, make sure he/she gets to do something fun! It’s important to make sure enough time is allowed for everything to be done, praise is readily given and access to the fun activity is available after everything else is finished.

Sound off in the comment box on what kinds of fun things you like to reward your child with once all the chores are done — everyone could use a fresh idea or two!

Tip #5 — Simple successes

August 7th, 2009

Parents want their children to excel in whatever they attempt to do – soccer practice, choir, dance class, math tests, perfect attendance, and even brushing their teeth properly. But few people – let alone children – are great at everything. Take the time to pat your child on the back for what they do well: even if they can’t quite master the circular toothbrush motion, they might be successful flossers or excel in warding off cavities!

So let’s hear from you! What are some of your child’s successes, big or small, that you can pat them on the back for today?

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily whirlwind of activities – working, cooking, cleaning, exercising, list making, packing lunches, wiping noses and maybe grabbing a few seconds of shuteye. But it’s extra important that you make the effort to stop and listen when your child has something to say – it shows that you value their thoughts, opinions and ideas above your to-do list. So put that broom down, pull your son or daughter into your lap and enjoy his or her company!

On day three of Love Your Child Month, my tip to parents is to dust off your favorite childhood board game and declare tonight family fun night. Quality time = lifetime of memories…that’s probably how the board game you have in mind became your favorite!

I’d love for visitors to share ideas on activities parents can engage in with their children!

Love Your Child Month Tip #2

August 4th, 2009

Hello Dear Friends,

It’s amazing how quickly time passes – one day you are a young girl or boy, the next you are an adult. As a parent, encouraging your child to do the things they enjoy or are passionate about will help him or her discover their own strengths and shape their future life as an adult.

Check back tomorrow for another tip – or follow me on twitter or facebook: and

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