Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Posts tagged ‘children’

Is your child perfect?

March 24th, 2010

The answer to that question is “of course”.  But do you ever ask yourself if you are a perfect parent?  The answer to that question probably ranges from “could be better” to “not at all” and some may even say “of course”.  Most parents tend to be overly critical of themselves and when it comes to the most difficult […]

Reading to you child each day doesn’t take long and can make a big impact on him/her.  It is a bonding time giving comfort after a long day to both.  A short book, a chapter or two, even the daily comics can become a special time for you and your child to look forward.  The soothing sound of your […]

How do you think your child feels when you have called him/her a hurtful name?  Hearing  labels hurled at him, a child starts to believe them.   Abusive insults chips away at a childs self esteem and makes them think and feel that they are unloved and unwanted.   Make it a point to tell your child daily how very special he/she is.  Let […]

What are your priorities?

February 28th, 2010

Wherever you look these days people are in a hurry going from one priority to another.  How many priorities can a person have and just how important a priority is it really?  For parents who have one or several children, trying to decide how to balance daily demands and  attend to priorities can be stressful.  Knowing exactly what your priorities are help make deciding how […]

As children learn to manuver their way around beginning with crawling and then taking their first steps parents praise them with wild applause and proud words of encouragement.  But each new accomplishment in a childs life is worthy of the same praise as their first steps which will help build their confidence and self esteem.  Small successes lead to big ones and as a […]

The language of love is spoken in all dialects.   Unlike other languages it is not taught at school or by correspondence or at a certain grade level.  It is taught from the beginning of life by the first teachers in our lives, our parents, grandparents and loved ones.  Hearing the words ‘I love you’ is […]

Can you love someone too much?

February 12th, 2010

Several years ago I asked my 10 year old nephew, “Is it possible to love someone too much?”.  His answer back has stayed with me all these years.  He said “You can never love someone too much”.  Because of what that sweet, 10 year old boy said to me several years ago, is the reason I use any […]

They may be small but, children’s feelings are as big and heartfelt as adults.  Take the time to show your child that you understand how they feel and say ‘I love you’ – It will make them and you feel good.

Make everyday count…

February 9th, 2010

Each day of a child’s life is so precious and fleeting.  Find any excuse to say ‘I love you’ – make each event memorable and everyday an event to remember for generations to come. 

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