Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

I’d love for visitors to share ideas on activities parents can engage in with their children!

2 Responses to “What is your child’s favorite activity to do with you?”

  1. Joe May

    My children are in their twenties now, but when they were small, on a beautiful summer’s day like today, we’d hop in the car and wander to find either a school or municipal playground we had never visited before. Once they had their fill of those play items (swings, slides, monkeybars, et cetera) it was back in the car to find another playground. Finally we’d end the day by visiting a place that sold ice cream cones.

  2. Lisa A

    There’s really nothing better than snuggling with my kids and reading to them. There are so many things to fill the day, but the physical contact of having them sit on my lap and the bond that forms when we enjoy what we’re reading together is unparalleled in any other activity. Especially as they grow and don’t necessarily want to cuddle very much it’s such a great way to just hold them and treasure them.

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