Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

History repeats itself. If you were raised in a loving home where praise, respect and love was regularly shown, then you will probably give your child the same type of home life that you had. If you were raised in an abusive home than you may raise your child as you were. We imitate what we have seen at home and the same goes for our children. Abuse of any type can destroy a persons self esteem, ability to give or accept love and makes forming relationships difficult, if not impossible. If you knew abuse as a child decide now that your child will be raised with kindness, respect and love. Decide today to put an end to abuse forever and start weaving the thread of love for your child and future generations to come.

One Response to “Are you raising your child the same way that you were?”

  1. lee

    I just found your website. This blog caught my interest because I was raising my kids the way I was raised with a boarderline mom and a bipolar dad. Because of genetics and environment, I have both illnesses. I’ve been stabile on lithium, individual and group dbt therapy for two years now. I am now making the life changes that I always wanted to but didn’t have the stability or tools to do it. As I heal from a lifetime of distress to peace and calm I spend a lot of time reading possitive information to keep me on the track to wellness. I am actively breaking cycles in my life and I’m so happy to be at such an uplifting place in my life. My five kids and two grandson’s are really enjoying the possitive, loving, nurturing, safe and happy life we live now.

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