Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Archive for the ‘Sharing Feelings’ category

Turning Jealousy to Joy

October 11th, 2017

Jealousy is an emotion that can impact any person at any age. It is especially common to find in young children. Jealousy can be caused by lack of self-confidence, lack of attention, and of course feeling less than loved. Whether a friend, sibling, or classmate caused the jealousy to arise, ditching the big green-eyed monster […]

Children let us know what they are feeling just by acting out their emotions – happy, sad, angry, excited, confused, frightened –  the same emotions adults have.    As adults, we cover up our emotions so that no one will know how we are feeling.  For many, sharing their feelings is very hard to do.  It means opening up and showing that […]

Children are smart and wise beyond their years but, they are not mind readers.   A child is able to feel your love when you hug them and kiss their sweet faces.  In spite of these acts of love they still need to hear the words ‘I love you’.  These three words, that are so simple to say and […]

The act of talking can mean telling someone your thoughts and opinions, listening to their comments, responding with a question, listening, commenting and asking more questions.  The result of conversing is a better understanding of how that person looks at life and interprets it.  Hearing someone else’s way of looking at a situation from a completely different perspective […]

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