Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Posts tagged ‘self esteem’

Learning to ride a bike involves a great deal of concentration –  balancing on two wheels,  pressing  your feet to the foot pedals,  keeping your eye on the road, steering the front wheel to go straight ahead and listening to the cheers of observers.  Before you know it you are flying down the street with the breeze in […]

How do you think your child feels when you have called him/her a hurtful name?  Hearing  labels hurled at him, a child starts to believe them.   Abusive insults chips away at a childs self esteem and makes them think and feel that they are unloved and unwanted.   Make it a point to tell your child daily how very special he/she is.  Let […]

Children are smart and wise beyond their years but, they are not mind readers.   A child is able to feel your love when you hug them and kiss their sweet faces.  In spite of these acts of love they still need to hear the words ‘I love you’.  These three words, that are so simple to say and […]

As children learn to manuver their way around beginning with crawling and then taking their first steps parents praise them with wild applause and proud words of encouragement.  But each new accomplishment in a childs life is worthy of the same praise as their first steps which will help build their confidence and self esteem.  Small successes lead to big ones and as a […]

Are you a good listener?

February 26th, 2010

Children will ask the same questions repeatedly and because parents have already answered the question once they tend to ignore their child the second and third time around.  The child is not always asking the question becaue she is curious about the answer, but rather looking for attention.  Showing your child that you are interested […]

The act of talking can mean telling someone your thoughts and opinions, listening to their comments, responding with a question, listening, commenting and asking more questions.  The result of conversing is a better understanding of how that person looks at life and interprets it.  Hearing someone else’s way of looking at a situation from a completely different perspective […]

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