Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Anger is a natural human emotion that you should allow yourself to feel. It should be directed at the person you are angry with and not at someone who happens to be nearby. Whether your anger happened today or decades ago, taking out your anger and resentment on your child, is unfair and abusive. Anger should be achknowledged so that misunderstandings can be set straight with apologies and forgiveness expressed. Those involved can then move on and an unfortunate situation put aside. Treat your child with kindness, respect and love while teaching him to express his feelings openly. Before he can feel comfortable openly expressing his feelings to you he must know that you can be trusted without fearing an angry reaction. Patience and understanding shown by you spares your child and yourself the sadness of anger, or even worse, rage. Be honest with yourself, come to terms with whoever you are angry with and let go of your anger. If not, it will perpetuate itself and you will suffer even more for it. How you deal with your anger will be passed on to your child who will learn to express his/her anger and frustration in the same negative way. Avoid the path of anger, rage and abuse. Take the path of trust, understanding and love and teach your child how to deal with anger in a mature and honest way. For more information

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