Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Children let us know what they are feeling just by acting out their emotions – happy, sad, angry, excited, confused, frightened –  the same emotions adults have.    As adults, we cover up our emotions so that no one will know how we are feeling.  For many, sharing their feelings is very hard to do.  It means opening up and showing that you are vulnerable.   We all have feelings  – whatever our age is – and letting others know how you feel is ok to do.  It shows that you are human and need the support of those closest to you to help you through the difficult times and celebrate with you through the good times.  Share your feelings with your children.  You are there for them – let them be there for you.  For more info

Promise?  That simple word means a lot to a child if you say “yes”.   Unless you intend to keep that promise try another approach – one that let’s your child know that there is a possibility that what he/she hopes for might have to wait.  To give false hopes to a child tells him that you cannot be trusted but, if you are honest, the child will understand that you will try to do your best.  It is better to be up front with a child, than to disaapoint him at the last minute.  If you are able to fulfill the request, you will show your child that you gave it your all, and the excitement and surprise will be even more satisfying for both for you.  Broken promises leave resentful feelings and sad memories.  Make a childs memories be of honesty, trust and love.

We, as adults, consider ourselves smarter and more observant than children just because we are the adults.   However, children have a way of observing an object, or a situation from a completely different perspective that often is more objective and totally non judgemental leaving their mind open for new experiences with an insatiable curiosity.     In their innocence, they look at the world and marvel at all the sights and sounds that surround them with question after question that leaves one wondering how they could imagine all that they do – but they do.   We, as adults, seem  to take for granted the world around us.  Try looking at your surroundings from a childs point of view and open up a whole new world for yourself.  Be  patient and tolerant of all of their questions.  If you don’t know the answer, say “I don’t know, but I will find out” and really do it.  Open up the world to your child by looking at it  together.  What a great way to explore and discover ,learn something new and communitcate with your child-  curiosity is a good thing.

Being a parent is a very big job  –  it differs greatly from the job that you do for an occupation but both are demanding and require you to give your all.    Much like the job you do for a profession that you must earn your salary,  as a parent you must work for and have to earn the love and trust of your child.  A day job should be something you enjoy doing, that challenges, stimulates and satisfies you.  As a parent the job requirements are endless, certainly challenging and the satisfaction comes with the love you get in return.  The rewards of parenting come with the joy in a child’s face when you come home  after a long day or the hug they give you for no reason at all, or the sound of their laughter when you play with them.  These precious moments are a child’s way of saying “thanks for a job well done. I love you”.

It is rare these days to find someone who doesn’t have a cell phone, ipod or some other high tech piece of equipment plugged into their ear.   They want to know the news as it is happening, or answer an email, twitter or facebook immediately.  There is no question that the equipment is fascinating and they allow us to be connected to people all over the world.  But this desire to be connected to people and places all over the world is also causing us to loose the connections that matter the most – our children.  Childhood is fleeting – don’t let yourself miss this time in your childs life  for something that can wait or is not important to begin with.   Knowing where your priorities are keeps you grounded.  When you find yourself reacting to one of your urgent desires to check your email or text a friend  remember there is someone closer who needs you to give them some of your valuable time – get plugged into your kids.  Why go to the other side of the world when you can get connected right at home.

Investing in your child….

July 17th, 2010

There is so much in the news everyday about  the direction the stock market is taking and how important it is that we invest wisely.   But there is another type of investment that is just as important to you and your children’s future that  doesn’t involve money at all.  This investment only requires time, dedication and commitment.  When you take the time out of your busy day to devote soley to your child, uninterupted by cell phones, texting or other distractions, you are showing him/her your dedication and commitment.   Invest wisely in your children and you will have returns that will last a lifetime.

Being shown respect by everyone we come in contact is very important to each of us.   For a child being treated with respect shows that they are valued and teaches them how important it is to treat others with that same respect.   Treating a child with respect will make a lasting impression that will stay with him/her for a lifetime.  Showing love and respect to a child validates them within their mind reassuring them how special they are.  They must hear the words ‘I love you’, they must be shown respect  – constant reinforcement by a parent with these words and actions will enable a child to grow into a loving adult with high self esteem.  They then will show their own children the same love and respect that you, their parent, has shown them.   Give your children and grandchildren a gift that will last for generations to come – say ‘I love you’ every chance you have and be respectful of their feelings always – the benefits from these simple words and actions go a long way – I promise.

Some children are born with an air of confidence and seem to exude it with each new experience.  Some need to be encouraged, as they try new endeavors, to have confidence in themselves.   But all children need the reinforcement of their parents that they are supported whether the accomplishment is large or small.   Recognition for trying or a job well done instills confidence in a child to go on to bigger challenges.  Telling a child that he/she is loved, however small an accomplishment, gives a child the confidence to keep trying.  Reinforcing confidence in your child builds a foundation for trust and respect and a strong, loving relationship that lasts a lifetime.

Every age of a child’s life is wonderful.  With each new day, watching them as they grow, is like observing a miracle happen right before your eyes.  Their inquisitiveness about everything they see, the non-stop questions, the absolute delight in the simplest new experience, are joys to behold.  Treasure each moment with the child in your life today and everyday.

As we celebrate America’s birthday with family, friends and  fireworks  let’s also remember the men and women who are fighting the war so that we can live peacefully  in America.    The sacrifices that they make daily on our behalf allows each of us to live in this country in freedom.  Thanks to all the service men and women everywhere who protect the USA.

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