Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

We’ve all been there – more things to do than we can handle and not enough time to get them done.   It seems at times that the demands on parents are overwhelming  – phone ringing, kids needing attention,  dog barking, dinner to be made and you are expected to remain calm while everything around you is anything but.   How do you manage to stay calm when you think that at any moment you are going to lose it?  It is at times like this that you remind yourself that if the situation seems impossible to handle – than it is.   Ask your children to help you – they like to be given responsibility.   If you take each thing one at a time, deal with it and move on to the next – each one will be doable.  Staying calm might seem difficult but, chaos is impossible.  Most of all be patient with yourself – you are only one person.  Do the very best that you can  and give yourself a pat  on the back for remaining calm.  For more info

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