Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Demonstating patience, tolerance and respectfulness is one of the most important lessons that you can teach your child. Our patience is constantly being tested when we have to stand in line at the grocery store or at the bank, wait in heavy traffic, at a doctors office or simply for the ketchup to slide out. […]

A childs happiest moments are when a parent praises him/her for a job well done, an accomplishment, or for just being himself. The best time to tell your child how you feel is the moment you think it and feel it. It is easy to let a moment pass because your mind skips on to […]

It only takes a moment and can make all the difference in your child’s day. Telling your child “I love you” gives him/her a sense of security and wellbeing that will stay with him throughout the day. These simple words carry a deep meaning and are so important for some they even remember the moment, […]

Do you have a short fuse?

October 12th, 2010

Anger is an emotion that we all feel at some time or another. How we deal with this emotion determines whether we have a long fuse or a short fuse. Someone with a long fuse is able to work through his/her anger without making those closest to him uncomfortable or fearful. Someone with a short […]

History repeats itself. If you were raised in a loving home where praise, respect and love was regularly shown, then you will probably give your child the same type of home life that you had. If you were raised in an abusive home than you may raise your child as you were. We imitate what […]

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