Do you hear yourself saying the same thing to your child that your parents said to you, in the same tone of voice? Do your like what you hear? It is only normal to repeat and imitate your parents, afterall, they were your role models. Your children will continue the cycyle by imitating what they have seen and heard at home. If your were raised by loving parents, you will probably parent your child in the same way. If you were raised in an atmosphere of anger and abuse, you will probably parent your child in the same way. As a role model to your child you set the standards for the next generation and those after that. If your parents raised you in an atmosphere of anger and abuse decide now that you are going to stop the cycle of abuse and will parent your child with love and respect. Words of love and encouragement make a big difference in the life of a child. Give your child every reason to want to parent just like you. For more information
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The daily challenges that parents face such as setting rules, disciplining, emotional upheavals and sending a clear message, requires them to show their leadership capabilities. Yes, it is difficult to be strong under trying circumstances but, if you are weak and don’t assert yourself as the parent, your child will take this as a message that you don’t care enough to follow through. Send a clear message to your child that you love him and want to teach him what is right. Strong words send a strong message – “I love you and want the very best for you”. Sharing your love is an essintial part of being a strong parent.
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Parenting comes without a manual. There are lots of books that will answer your questions but, parenting is learn as you go with on the job training and can be stressful for even the best of them. You learn through trial and error what works best for you and your child finding comfort in the fact that you managed to overcome the challenges. All the while, as you and your child are enjoying the experience of getting to know each other you are also becoming his/her first teacher. Everything you do has an impact on his development that will effect how he views the world throughout life. As a parent one of the most valuable lessons that you can teach is the language of love. Make it a daily priority by saying ‘I love you’ for any and every reason or for no reason at all. Becuase of you future generations will also know the joy of the language of love. Good job. For more information visit:
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Our country is a mixture of cultures, races and religions. How accepting are you of those who have a different color of skin or dress in traditional clothes from their country or speak in a foreign language? Do you look the other way? Avoid helping them if there is a problem? Smile just to show friendship? A simple smile may make a huge difference in that persons day and yours as well. Teaching your child to be accepting of others helps him/her understand that people are people whatever their race or religion is. It gives him an opportunity to meet interesting people and learn about other cultures while sharing a moment together. Teach your child that we learn from one another and by being open and accepting of those who are different, we may end up making life long friends. For more information
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A day in the life of a child is usually filled with high energy activitiy. As soon as they finish or get bored with one activity they move on to another. Their minds and bodies are constantly seeking new challenges and accomplishments. After a busy day a child will have a lot on his/her mind and talking about it will help him relax and unwind. Listening as he tells you all about his day helps him understand and explore the emotions experienced throughout the day. It also lets him know that you care about all that he did and that he can talk to you about anything and everything. Show your child how much you love him/her by sitting quietly and listening as he shares with you his thoughts and feelings. Private time spent with your child may be for only a few minutes or as long as necessary but, it will give a sense of conection that each will cherish. For more info
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Children begin to experience fear early in life such as being afraid of the dark, shadows, a monster under the bed or in the closet – all very real to a child. As adults we know that there is no reason for them to be frightened yet we must reassure them that they are safe and secure and in time hope that they will overcome their fears. And then there are children who seem to be fearless – nothing frightens them. They go toward new experiences without any apprehension. The child who is fearful needs support, patience and love and the child who is fearless needs the same reassurances. They are still children and you represent all that is stable in their lives. Let them know that you love them very much and together you can face anything. For more info
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Children have wild imaginations and given the opportunity might change the color of the house to yellow, wear only clothes that are purple, eat cookies for lunch and cake and ice cream for dinner every day. The point being is that children just like to have fun and we adults could learn a lesson or two from the minds of children. Hearing the sound of laughter coming from children having fun is one of the most wonderful sounds one can hear. Set aside responsibilities for a while and have fun with your children – the time will be well spent and the memories are there forever. For more info
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A parents job is to make the right decisions for their children so that no harm will come to them and to teach them to make their own decisions. Over time your child will begin to notice that you are making decisions that they can make for themselves. They want to put their shoes on, pick out what to wear, dress themselves and decide what to eat. This is the beginning of asserting their independence. Show that you have confidence in their ability to make decisions, encourage and praise them for making good choices even if your choices would have been more appropriate. Letting your children start making decisions prepares them for adulthood and when the time comes for you to let go you will both be ready. For more info visit
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Children are observant and notice everything a parent does from the way you talk to how you wear your hair, how you dress to how you hold your fork . They want to be just like you in every way. What greater compliment can a parent have than the admiration of your child. Setting a good example as the first role model in a childs life means being the best that you can be if you want the best from him/her. If you treat your child with respect than it will be returned – if you treat your child disrespectfully than you can expect the same treatment in return. If you want your child to communicate how he feels, than share your feelings. Let your child know how much you love him as often as you think or feel it and you will hear the words “I love you too”. The best way to teach your child is by your own actions. Parenting is the most important job you can have. Give it the best you have and you will get the best from your child in return. For more info
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There is always something about ourselves that we wish we could change – legs, feet, hands, eyes, nose, freckles. Of course there are ways to make changes surgicaly but why can’t we accept ourselves for the way we are? Others might not even notice the flaws that we focus on and may infact find them attractive. Your child may have the same shape legs, feet, hands, eyes, nose or freckles and you love them on hm/her. If you let it be known to your child that you dislike certain features about yourselve you are also saying that you don’t like him for the same reason. Showing your child that you love who you are sends a message of self acceptance that says “I’m glad I’m me”. Send a mesage of love to your child by telling him/her that he is perfect just the way he is and he will think “I’m glad I’m me”. For more info
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