Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

A child is a child what ever the age may be. The same need to be loved, valued and appreciated by ones parent remains inside of us throughout our lives. Memories of life as a small child stays vivid in the mind when one remembers how he/she was treated by his parents. A child whose parent showed love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness grows up knowing that he/she is loved. A child who has lived his life without hearing words of encouragement or love from a parent feels the need for it all of his life. One cannot blame the parent who withheld the love because he/she may not have had love shown to him as a child. The child in all of us needs to be reassured that we are loved. Loving words validate each of us and gives us personal self confidence to tackle lifes challenges as they come along. Show your child the love you feel in your heart what ever age you are or he/she is. It is never too late to say “I love you”. For more information

What makes you happy? The answer to that question differs for everyone. We tend to measure our happiness by the pride we have for ourself and our accomplishments. Throughout a persons life there might be many accomplishments but, always there is one or two that stands out among the others. For example, the pride that you have for your child can bring overwhelming happiness. Showing that you are proud of your child is how you tell the world that you love him/her. Showing your child that you are proud happens when you say “I love you”. It is moments like this that a parent’s heart fills with pride and nothing can measure up to that feeling of happiness. For more information

Managing time is a daily challenge. There is not enough time to do all that you have to do, much less what you want to do. Making time for your family, your work and yourself can cause stressful conflicts. All are important to you and all need your attention. Others can make suggestions as to how you could do more here and less there but, it all comes down to you and what your priorities are. If you slack on your job to give more time to your family, then you might possibly lose your job. If you slack on your family to give more time to your job, then they feel ignored. And if you slack on yourself, than your job and family suffer. The best solution is give your all and do the very best that you can do. Make every moment count at your job – stay focused and productive – show that you are a capable and efficient employee. Take care of yourself – eat nutritiously, exercise regularly, and socialize with friends. Your needs are as important as everyone else’s. And above all else, spend as much time with your child as possible. Tell him/her “I love you” every chance you get and make this valuable time spent together fun and meaningful. For more information

It is hard to imagine anyone withholding their love from a child. And yet it is done every day – not by parents who are intentionally wanting to hurt their child but, by parents who simply don’t know how to express their love. Even though the love is there, deep inside, it can still be hard for a parent to express freely or openly. If love was withheld from them as children then what do they have to use as an example with their children? Finding the words to express love as an adult can seem difficult for those who had love withheld as a child. Fortunately, the language of love can be learned at any age and has the same impact whatever your age. Hearing “I love you” or saying “I love you” has a way of making one feel that life is good and any problem can be overcome. Expressing your love allows two people to communicate their feelings, get past hurdles and move on together. Give your child all the love you feel in your heart. The greatest gift you can give your child is to teach the language of love. For more information

Empathy means showing concern and understanding for another persons feelings. Recognizing your child’s needs and putting aside whatever you are doing to put his/her feelings first is showing empathy. When you empathize with your child who is sick, in pain, tired, hungry or unhappy your concern gives comfort with a common goal to overcome this problem together . This shows that you are tuned into him and that you understand how he feels. Knowing when your child needs extra attention your empathy gives him the reassurance that you are there for him. It is moments like these that a child remembers and passes the same empathy on to his own child – the next generation. Seeing your child imitate your parenting skills is the highest compliment you can receive. When you reach out to your child by showing empathy your are saying ” I love you”. That is all a child wants to know. For more information

Childhood is meant to be carefree, fun, secure and safe. A time for children and parents to explore new experiences together, communicate how they feel and express their feelings openly and freely. A time for a child to enjoy learning with each new days adventure. Hearing a parent say “I love you” leaves a lasting memory which stays with you for a lifetime. Help make happy childhood memories for your child by reminding him/her how very much he is loved. Knowing that can make a big difference between an unhappy or a happy childhood. For more information

People inspire us throughout our lives to reach for higher goals, excel and be the best that we can be. We admire certain people for different reasons – leadership abilities, a great way with people, handling a problem or giving advice – are just a few.  Did you ever think that you may be an inspiration to someone? You are – your child. Being an ispiration means putting yourself out there, giving your all and showing that you are willing to accept whatever the outcome is. Give your all and be the biggest inspiration in your child’s life. For more information

It’s time for school to start – are you and your child ready?  Starting school  can cause apprehension and anxiety.  What  “tools” have you given your child to prepare him/her for this new experience?  The term “tools”  probably bring a  notebook and pencil to mind.  Those are tools used in school.  The tools referred to are the words that you send him off with that will help him  relax, feel secure and pay attention to what the teacher is saying.  Hearing the words “Enjoy your day and  remember that I love you very much”  will make the difference between being scared and anxious to being confident and ready for all that school holds in store.   Give your child a cheer of loving support each day as he goes off to  school and an equally loving welcome home after.  Now sit back and enjoy listening to the all the events of the day.   For more information

If you were going to evaluate your parenting skills how would you answer these questions? Do you tell your child “I love you” daily? Do you give praise and encouragement? Do you discipline with respect? Do you show kindness and forgiveness? Do you give comfort and support ? Do you listen and hear what your child is saying? Do you give hugs and affection? Do you have fun with your kids? Incorporating love, discipline, affection, praise, listening, kindness, forgiveness and fun into being a great parent requires one to be open and flexable for whatever happens in a single moment. Giving your all shows your child how much you care and want the very best for him/her. Take pride in on the spot decisions. If you think you could have done better, own up to it. Be forgiving of yourself. No one is perfect. Give yourself a pat on the back and strive to continue to live up to your own expectations as a parent. The best reward for a parent is to see your child imitate you – it means he really heard you.
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Discipline is the word used to describe what parents try to impart to their child so that he/she will learn to how to control their behavior. Teaching a child discipline can be tedius because you may have to repeat yourself several times, in fact, many times, before he retains the information. Teaching good table manners, take small bites, chew with your mouth closed and avoid interrupting when others are talking are some basic behavior learnings. Parents teach their child good behavior to prepare him/her for the time when he goes out in the world on his own. When discipline is done in a respectful and loving way the results will be gratifying for both the parent and the child. Disciplining a child with criticism is insulting, demeaning and destroys his confidence. Disciplining with respect will get his attention faster than tearing him down with hurtful words of criticism. Make teaching fun and discipline sincere and your child may surprise you by taking small bites, chewing with his mouth closed and maybe even holding your chair for you. For more information

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