Love Blog – express love to your children with simple actions and words

Archive for the ‘Parenting Children’ category

Can your child read your mind?

September 20th, 2010

Knowing what someone else is thinking is still unknown territory but, probably one day, somewhere in the future, it will be possible. Until that time we have to say what is on our mind by expressing our thoughts and feelings. A parent is always thinking how to make life better for his/her child, how important […]

Grandparents start off thinking that the most important aspect of being a grandparent is what name their new grandchild will call them. They quickly learn that is only a small part of being a grandparent. In fact, as time passes and this tiny bundle has stolen their hearts, whatever name their grandchild decides to call […]

Telling your child “I love you” for the first time is the most wonderful feeling one can experience. The words express feelings that are deep, heartfelt and indescribable. Telling a child how much he/she is loved teaches life’s most important lesson – express the love you feel inside to those who are important to you. […]

Having fun with your child is a way for you and him/her to let go and just act silly. It is a time when you can be a kid right along with him. Life is so often rigid with strict rules to follow. Acting silly allows a kid to let out all of the pent […]

In this case, constant means being there for your child. Being constant in your child’s life means putting all other distractions on hold and focusing on his/her needs. Being there shows that your love for him is far more important than anything else that is happening. It only takes a moment to stop and listen […]

I love you – words that seem effortless for some to say are impossible for others. Why is that so? One reason may be that those who are comfortable saying these three words heard them when they were children and those who did not hear them are uncomfortable saying them to their children. The words […]

Anger is a natural human emotion that you should allow yourself to feel. It should be directed at the person you are angry with and not at someone who happens to be nearby. Whether your anger happened today or decades ago, taking out your anger and resentment on your child, is unfair and abusive. Anger […]

Upsetting the normal routine in a child’s life can create havoc. Kids like to wear the samething everyday, eat the samething everday and have the same book read to them everyday. So how do you go about introducing a new item of clothing, food, book or anything new to them? Some children find change harder […]

Children learn quickly the concept of respect, that if you are respectful of yourself and others you will be treated respectfully in return. Self respect lays the ground work for how you treat everyone else in your life. As you interact with other people your child watches and observes -how you talk to someone, the […]

Goals are hopes one strives to achieve. Just as you would teach your child the importance of achieving small accomplishments so should you teach your child to set long term goals and how to attain them. Setting goals teaches a child how to plan for something he hopes to achieve in the furute, how hard […]

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